
THE Natural Cordovan


ベーシックでポピュラーな形を展開することで、皆様に愛される “THE Natural cordovan”が完成しました。

The layer under the epidermis of a horse's rump is called cordovan. While leather is generally made from the epidermis, cordovan is a layer of dense fibers that lies beneath the epidermis of the horse's stern (rump), and is strong, supple, and tough. The raw hides are imported from Europe, and it takes Japanese tanneries, which boast the world's leading technology, about six months to finish them.

By developing basic and popular shapes, we have created "THE Natural Cordovan" that is loved by everyone.

  • 表のコードバンは、ナチュラルグレージング仕上げを施しており深みのある自然な光沢を生み出しており、使い込むほどに味わい深い艶が増していきます。

    The cordovan on the front has a natural glazing finish that produces a deep, natural luster, and the more it is used, the more it will develop a rich, tasteful sheen.
    The interior is made of antique kip leather (calf leather), giving it a sense of luxury and exuberance.

  • コードバンの中でも少数ですが左右が繋がって採取されるものがあり、この形状からメガネと呼ばれています。100枚の内で4,5枚しか採取できない貴重な革です。ベルトは長さが必要な為、つなぎ目の無い一本通しと呼ばれるベルトはこの希少性の高いメガネ革でしか作る事は出来ません。使い込むほどに光沢が変化し、優雅な艶が自分だけの一点物となります。

    Only a small number of cordovans are made with the left and right sides connected, and because of this shape, they are called spectacles.Because of the length of the belt required, a belt called "single thread" without joints can only be made from this highly rare eyeglass leather. The more you use it, the more the luster changes, and the more elegant the luster becomes your own one-of-a-kind item.

Leather from Italy

  • ししなやかで傷のつきにくいイタリアンレザーを贅沢に全面に使用し、裏地には東レが開発した医療現場服などにも使われている制菌加工織物マックスペック®を使用しています。

    Luxurious, scratch-resistant Italian leather is used throughout, and the lining is made of MAKSPEC®, an antimicrobial fabric developed by Toray Industries, Inc. and used in medical field clothing.
    MAKSPEC® is a woven and knitted material that exhibits excellent antimicrobial properties on fibers against bacteria such as Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and pathogenic E. coli O-157, which are the source of nosocomial infections, and has three to five times better antimicrobial efficacy after repeated industrial washing than conventional products.

  • 1974年創業のイタリアの名タンナー、ワルピエ社の名作レザーであるブッテーロ。

    Buttero is the renowned leather produced by Walpier, a prestigious Italian tanner established in 1974. The leather used for the shoulder portion is exceptionally supple, durable, and of high quality.

  • 「プレリーギンザ」のイタリアンストレッチメッシュベルト。イタリアのファクトリーへカラーや素材の組み合わせを別注したオリジナルのメッシュベルトです。ストレッチ性能によって、ストレスフリーな着用感も魅力です。

    Italian stretch mesh belt from PRAIRIE GINZA. This is an original mesh belt that was specially ordered from an Italian factory in terms of color and material combination. The stretch performance makes it stress-free and comfortable to wear.

Leather from France

  • デュプイ社から独立する形で設立された若いタンナー。ボックスカーフは、コシが強く堅牢ゆえに始めは硬めだが、使い込むほどに良く馴染み風合いが出てくる革質です。

    This young tanner was established as an independent company from Dupuis. Box calf is a leather that starts out hard because of its firmness and solidity, but the more it is used, the better it blends in and develops its own texture.
    The inside is made of PRARE's original leather inspired by Venetian leather, carefully crafted down to the smallest detail by artisan work.

  • アノネイ社のBOXカーフを使用。1984年創業の若いタンナー。その実力はデュプイを凌ぐと言われ、その顧客にはヨーロッパの著名なブランドで使用されています。プレリーで使用したBOXカーフはフランス産原皮に顔料をかけ、型押ししています。特殊な顔料により風合いを残しつつ堅牢な革に仕上がっています。

    Made of BOX calf by Annonay, a young tanner founded in 1984. Its competence is said to surpass that of Dupuis, and its customers include some of the most prominent European brands. The BOX calf used in PRAIRIE GINZA is made from French raw hides, pigmented, and stamped. The special pigment gives the leather a robust finish while preserving its texture.

Maximum Series


The buckles are made of brass, called "Hikimono," which is a very time-consuming and labor-intensive process, and each buckle is hand-cut and manufactured by Japanese craftsmen.

  • フランス・アノネイ社製・カーフを使用 アノネイ社は、1984年に創業したフランスの革メーカー、しっかりした硬さと素材感を持ち合わせ、高級靴などに多用されており、ベルトにも最適な素材です。

    Made of calf by Annonay of France Annonay is a French leather manufacturer established in 1984. With its firmness and texture, it is widely used for high-end shoes, and is also an ideal material for belts.

  • ベルト本体は流通量の少ない貴重なキップ(仔牛)レザーを使用しています。キップレザーは成牛の革よりも肌目がキメ細かく、つややかでしなやかな特長を持っています。

    The belt itself is made of precious kip (calf) leather, which is scarce in circulation. Kip leather has a finer texture than adult calf leather and is glossy and supple.

Gradation Series

  • 表革には職人によるシャドー加工を施した革を用いています。型抜きされた革を、職人が一枚一枚手作業でシャドー加工を行っています。 内作りには単色のスムース革を使用することで、落ち着いた雰囲気に仕上げています。

    The outer leather is made of leather that has been shadow-processed by craftsmen. Each piece of die-cut leather is shadow-processed by hand by craftsmen. The inside is made of smooth leather in a single color to create a subdued atmosphere. Although the design looks rigid, the series actually has a soft hand feel that blends well in the hand.

  • 何層にも色を重ねて仕上げられた革の上層の濃色を、部分的に職人が手作業で落としていく事で、きれいなグラデーションを出しています。その後磨きあげる事で透明感のある光沢を引き出しています。

    The craftsman manually removes the darker colors from the upper layer of the leather, which is finished with many layers of colors, to create a beautiful gradation. After that, the leather is polished to bring out a transparent luster.